1 BHK Independent Houses/villas in Cuddalore
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Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
- East facing
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
A plot is available for sale in Chidambaram, Cuddalore. It has an area of 13050 sqft. The property is available at a price of Rs. 18.00 lac . It is facing east direction. The time you'll spend here wi... - SsellerVERIFIED OWNER
Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
- East facing
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
A plot is available for sale in Chidambaram, Cuddalore. It has an area of 13050 sqft and is priced at Rs. 18.00 lac . Its entry is east facing. The time you'll spend here will become the greatest mome... - SsellerVERIFIED OWNER
Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
This plot is situated in Chidambaram. It has an area of 13050 sqft. The property is available at a price of Rs. 18.00 lac . The time you'll spend here will become the greatest moment of your life that... - SsellerVERIFIED OWNER
Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
- East facing
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
This plot is situated in Chidambaram, Cuddalore. It has an area of 13050 sqft. The property is available at a price of Rs. 18.00 lac . It is east facing property. The time you'll spend here will becom... - MMakaanAGENT
Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
A plot property is available for sale in Chidambaram, Cuddalore. It has an area of 13050 sqft and is priced at Rs. 18.00 lac . The time you'll spend here will become the greatest moment of your life t... - SsellerVERIFIED OWNER
Specifications 18 L137 / sq ft 13050 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
- 2 open sides
- East facing
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
This plot is available for sale and is located in the heart of Chidambaram. It has a salable area of 13050 sqft and is available at a price of Rs. 137 per sqft. Its entry is east facing. It is situate... - KKaleemOWNER
Specifications 90 L5,000 / sq ft 1800 Area in sq ft Resale New/Resale - 6 - 7 years old
MoreIndependent Houses for sale in Chidambaram Cuddalore:
This plot is situated in Chidambaram, Cuddalore. It has a salable area of 1800 sqft and is available at a price of Rs. 5,000 per sqft. The time you'll spend here will become the greatest moment of you...
Last update - 26-07-2024