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Decoding Zoning Colours For Land Mapping

Usually, development authorities use land maps in which they use different colours to notify the usage pattern. These colours are used for graphically displaying land uses, roads, public infrastructure, and community facilities. 

In this article, we try to simplify the pattern for homebuyers and property owners. 


Land use

Light Yellow

Main/mixed residential use land

Dark Yellow

Mixed residential use properties. Essential services such as grocery store, doctor’s clinic can be permitted. Around 33 per cent commercial activity is permitted in yellow zone.


For maintaining greenery or agricultural land. The shades of green can be used for signifying forest, lake, valley, pond, garden or cemetery


Public and semi-public use area for temple, educational institutes.

Light Blue

For commercial purpose such as Central Business District, Offices etc

Dark Blue

For retail purpose such as eateries, hotels, malls, cinema halls

Purple/Violet- Light shade

For industrial purpose and establishment

Purple/Violet- Dark shade

For high tech industries


For heavy industries

The Black-White Codes

At times, planners use monochrome colors for land mapping and to differentiate land use categories. While the hatched patterns indicate denser land uses with heavier patterns, open space or recreational areas are left blank or lightly patterned.

 Pattern Land use

Cross hatches with darker patterns


Slanted lines, darker patterns


Points, diamonds, stars

Industrial, transportation and utilities

Vertical lines

Public use

Stipple patterns

Parks and recreation

Curved lines


Land zoning in India

Land use zoning in India is Euclidean-based, meaning it creates land use classifications (i.e. residential, multi-family, commercial) by geographic area. However, now the land uses are taken up with a more integrated approach.

For instance, a mixed residential zone allows everything that was allowed in primary residential, as well as banks, restaurants, shops, bakeries, etc.  The commercial land use zone allows everything in primary residential and mixed residential.