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Property prices in Hyderabad correct by 7.5% in March 2010 says Property Index (MPI)

Empowering homebuyers and industry players through Property Index

1., India’s fastest growing online real estate website by People group has launched country’s first Property Index. Christened Property Index (MPI) the tool is aimed at empowering homebuyers and industry players with up-to date information related to movement in residential property prices. This tool will assist the homebuyers to make an informed decision, when he/she heads out to buy their dream home. MPI aims to provide a direction to the buyer so that they invest their hard earned money in the right manner.

2. Property Index (MPI) is part of a bigger initiative known as MakaanIQ that has been bringing out property intelligence & research reports for the benefit of homebuyers and real estate industry. Property Index Methodology

1. Coverage: Property Index tracks property price trends nationally and for major metros and tier II cities of India.

2. Frequency: Monthly – Starting Jan 2009.

3. Database: This index is based on minimum database size of 20,000 data points every month and the analysis has been drawn over a period starting Jan’09. The prices of properties are obtained across micro-markets through property listings on the website as well as’s nationwide sales force.

4. Index Algorithm: The complex algorithm takes into account the property prices as base and then factors in the demand and supply of residential properties for each of the cities covered by it. Care has been taken to give weight age to cities in line with the size of underlying property market. Property Index - Hyderabad

1. Monthly Trend: At the city level, the property prices in Hyderabad have seen a drop in the last month. The Index in March 2010 stands at 923, which is 7.5% lower than February 2010 when the MPI was 998.

2. Quarter Analysis: Over the last 3 months, the Hyderabad Property Index has not moved and the index has remained constant at 923 in both December 2009 and March 2010.

3. Year-on-year movement: As compared to March 2009, the Hyderabad Property Index (in March 2010) has gone down by 3.2%.

4. National Index: Between March’10 and February’10 the National Index has been flat with a small positive price movement of 0.8%. This is on the back of a 4% price appreciation in Delhi and around 5.2% jump in Pune. Property prices in Bangalore and Mumbai have remained the same in March’10 with a slight negative bias. In terms of category B cities, Kolkata and Ahmedabad have appreciated by 11.3% and 9.8% respectively whereas Chandigarh, Hyderabad and Chennai have corrected by 9.6%, 7.5% and 4.7% respectively.

5. Going Forward: The signals from the economy are quite positive - the Budget for FY2011 has been received positively, there is overall optimism in all sectors, job visibility is better among the salaried class. And the Realty sector is seeing the effects of this in the form of new launches across cities and higher buyer traffic. One would hope and expect these to help the volatile realty sector to stabilize in the coming months.

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