Property Rates & Price Trends in Sharda Nagar, Kanpur
The property rates in Sharda Nagar, Kanpur keeps changing and if an investor wants to maximise the profit they need to act as per the market movement. The price trends section helps a property stakeholder to look at the ever-changing property prices in Kanpur and its corresponding Sharda Nagar in form of graphs. The real estate buyers can consult these graphs and get information about quarterly changing price trends of Sharda Nagar, Kanpur so that they can take a wise decision. At present on, a user can access over 76 properties. The price of properties in Sharda Nagar starts from ₹ 25.00 lacs and the average price of properties in Sharda Nagar is ₹ 78.37 lacs. The price range of properties in the Sharda Nagar is ₹ 25.00 lacs-3.75 crore. Kanpur has as shown a up trend, and the Sharda Nagar has shown a down trend since the last six months. features price trends of properties in Sharda Nagar, Kanpur which helps people to make an informed decision about property buying and selling. The price trends tool become very handy and help the buyers of Sharda Nagar, Kanpur to source information in a transparent and unambiguous manner. Top price trends data of Sharda Nagar presented by Total number of properties listed in Sharda Nagar are 76
- The price of properties in Sharda Nagar starts from around ₹ 25.00 lacs
- The average price of properties in Sharda Nagar is ₹ 78.37 lacs while the average price of properties in Kanpur is ₹ 40.46 lacs
- The most expensive property listed in Sharda Nagar is priced at ₹ 3.75 crore
- The Sharda Nagar shows a down trend and the Kanpur shows a down trend
- Locality
- Project
- Apartment
- Builder Floor
- Villa
- Plot
Locality Name | Buy Rates | ||||
Price range per sqft | Avg price per sqft | Price rise | Trend | View properties | |
Sharda Nagar | 3,200 - 6,800 / sqft | 4,907.6 / sqft | - | See trend | View 19 properties |